Sunday, December 8, 2013

Beautiful Lyrics of "Beauty"

"Beauty" by Tim Minchin is absolutely, heart wrenching and gorgeous. It has several layers to it, the first being quite obviously about a slut, but deeper, Minchin talks about artists and beauty in their work. I could go on and on about this song but I won't spoil it. Listen to it to the end, keep in mind what it means, then listen to it again and get ready for tears. Love it, love love love it. <3 "Beauty" Tim Minchin

(lyrics to be posted soon)

Friday, December 6, 2013

Ello There!

Hey guys! So I'm Esther, and this is my coolio new blog! On here I'll be posting reviews on songs/CDs I listen to, musicals and operas I've seen/been in/heard of, and all sorts of acting. Also, I'll be making a few other random posts for sure... like awesome Youtube videos I find, song lyrics I like (maybe some of my own songs!), bits of me and my life, or other things that have nothing to do with music, theater, or me but rather are just pretty cats.

Anyways, I'll be posting (hopefully) on a weekly basis so stay tuned! Also, feel free to comment, request reviews, share cool things you've seen/heard etc. I'd love to read what you all have to share and might even repost some things!

So, a little about me? I'm an active Thespian and a new lover of acting. My passion though is defiantly singing. I'm being trained classically and working towards becoming an opera singer someday, although I also love doing musicals, choirs, and all that jazz~ Also I'm a huge nerd. I love all of those great BBC shows like "Doctor Who" and "Sherlock Holmes," and I love Harry Potter! (But really...who doesn't?) I will say, I am pretty outdoorsy too and camp A LOT. Then the important favorite bands: Panic! At the Disco, Walk Off the Earth, Say Anything, Twenty-One Pilots, and the band I've loved since elementary school..Fall Out Boy. <3

I think that sums me up pretty well...So I'll leave it at that! Coming up, I'll be posting my first review soon! Also look forward to bios of bands/artists/actors I may make, and favorite song lyrics ( the bar to your right there will be "Lyrics of the Week," check 'em out!) Thanks for reading and stay posted for more!
